Translation, Interpreting and Business Solutions in 200+ Languages

Increase the Power of Exam Translation

There’s one thing everyone can agree on: Education is important for personal and economic growth. But in search of that education, it becomes an investment for everyone concerned. Consider the amounts of time, effort, money and resources required.

Understandably, students, parents, teachers, schools, institutions and governments all want to know how much progress has been made. How much has each student really learned? Are the expectations for learning being met?

Educational testing allows you to measure that and more in a meaningful way. And exam translation allows you to more effectively measure the progress of an even greater base of people.

Choosing a service provider for your exam translation is not a straightforward multiple-choice question though. Not every company has the knowledge and experience to provide a seamless translation.

Good translation for education is so good as to go undetected. Understanding is perfect. Testing takes place as smoothly as it should. And that is what Responsive Translation delivers every day.

Exam translation is what we do best. We translate for meaning as well as for culture to ensure your test is linguistically and culturally relevant. Guaranteed.

Please call us at 1-800-872-6752 (or +1-212-818-1102 outside the United States) to learn how we can help you. Take advantage of our free consultations and planning.

Responsive Translation has been serving clients like the United Nations, American Red Cross, BBC Worldwide, P&G, Pearson, Perceptx, Aggreko, Microsoft, Kaplan, New York City Department of Education, New York State Board of Education, Memorial Sloan-Kettering and UNICEF for more than 30 years.

We are internationally certified for quality with ISO 9001 and we are exceptionally proud to be ranked first for customer satisfaction among translation service providers worldwide (NPS score of 100 for 2024).

So let’s start a conversation about exam translation. How can we help you?
