Translation, Interpreting and Business Solutions in 200+ Languages

Translation Quality Assurance

Done right, translation creates value left and right. But when translation goes bad, it’s not worth the paper (or screen) it’s written on. Yet, translation quality is sometimes described in the same way as art or pornography, in the “I’ll know it when I see it” category, as if it were some kind of subjective process. But quality is not subjective.

Translation Quality Is Measurable and Manageable

Quality is the logical result of translation quality assurance processes—processes designed to ensure excellence that are meticulously applied every time.

That's why Responsive Translation uses a variety of tools and workflows to ensure and control translation quality. All engagements start with construction of the glossary, style guide and translation memory before translation begins. Automation helps translators to meet tight deadlines and quality metrics quickly and consistently.

We measure. As part of our ISO-certified process for continuous quality improvement, we use a proprietary variant of LISA QA Standard 3.1 to develop quality metrics that take the subjectivity out of translation quality assessment.

Translators and editors are selected based on criteria such as prior experience, performance and textual analysis of previous work in the subject area to be translated from a pool of over 20,000 qualified linguists.

Review and validation methods differ depending on client requirements to provide the level of confidence our clients and their regulators demand in the high-stakes translation arenas where we do most of our work.

The Devil Is in the Detail

As a finishing touch, all of our translation workflows incorporate three rounds of quality assurance. The first round consists of an automated translation quality assurance check through our CAT tool. The second is a different type of automated translation quality assurance check using a more robust quality assurance tool. Finally, the third round of translation quality assurance is manually performed by our eagled-eyed project manager.

At each stage, any identified issues are remedied before we proceed to the next. After all, every error identified is a problem we will solve and an error your stakeholders will never see.

Experts in Translation Quality Assurance

Are you ready to take your foreign-language efforts to the next level?

Quality doesn’t happen by accident. It’s our job at Responsive Translation to provide you with translation so good it will never get you into trouble with stakeholders. Guaranteed.

For more information about our range of foreign-language services, including translation quality assurance, please get in touch at [email protected] or 1-800-872-6752 (+1-212-818-1102 outside the US).
