If you need health surveys translated, request a quote now.
Health surveys are a key tool used in advancing medical and health research, gathering people's experiences and allowing them to contribute to the study at hand. That’s why the importance of health survey translation cannot be underestimated. In the translation process, the health and integrity of your survey is at stake. You need equivalence across all of your survey’s language versions—both linguistically and culturally—while maintaining the standards of the original survey.
Responsive Translation is proud to practice what we call “translation medicine.” We listen to our patients (our customers) as they share what they would like when it comes to health survey translation, what they need and what has or hasn’t worked for them in the past. Drawing upon our decades of expertise, we look for patterns and carefully diagnose the symptoms. Only then do we prescribe a customized plan of action to take all the pain away—guaranteeing a beautiful and healthy translation experience with a survey everyone can be proud of.
Learn how we can help you with health survey translation by calling us now at 1-800-872-6752 (or +1-212-818-1102 outside the United States).
We’ve been serving clients like the United Nations, American Red Cross, BBC Worldwide, P&G, Pearsons, Perceptx, Aggreko, Microsoft, Kaplan, New York City Department of Education, New York State Board of Education, Memorial Sloan-Kettering and UNICEF since 1982.
Responsive Translation is internationally certified for quality with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 and we are exceptionally proud to be ranked first for customer satisfaction among translation service providers (NPS score of 100 for 2024).
So let’s start a conversation about health survey translation. How can we help you?